Do you really need a PDM software?


Do you really need a PDM software?

Choosing the right PDM software for your company is easy if you ask the right questions.

The first thing to evaluate is the return on investment: does your company really need to invest money in Product Data Management software?

Define your needs and analyze the existing process in your company, to understand how a PDM software can help you optimize this process, reduce costs and time to market.

Then, try to answer these questions that will help you understand if a PDM software will bring benefits and optimize the work of your company's technical department:

  • Do you struggle to find the drawings?
  • Do you manually insert the BOMs in your Management System?
  • Do you spend a lot of time filing the reviews?
  • Do entities external to the technical office (e.g. purchasing office) find the right documents easily?

All companies systematically bear costs for product document management and with the right investment in PDM software they can be drastically reduced. However, before rushing into an investment of this kind, carefully check that the expense is justified.

If your company has a technical office of 3 to 20 people using Autocad, Inventor, Solid Works or Solid Edge, we most likely have the experience and products that are right for you.

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